Sentential Decision Diagrams And Their Applications
     an invited talk
speaker:Guy Van den Broeck
[ informs-2015.pdf ]
abstract:Sentential decision diagrams (SDDs) are a new class of decision diagrams that branch on arbitrary sentences instead of individu... (more)
ED-BP: Belief Propagation via Edge Deletion
     an invited talk
speaker:Arthur Choi
[ uai2010-edbp.pptx ]
[ uai2010-edbp.pdf ]
abstract:Presenting the solver ED-BP, which won the PR and MAR tasks at the 20s time limit, in the UAI'10 Inference Challenge. View the ... (more)
Reasoning with Propositional Knowledge: Frameworks for Boolean Satisfiability and Knowledge Compilation
     Public Defense
speaker:Knot Pipatsrisawat
[ knot_defense_public.ppt ]
abstract:This dissertation is concerned with two fundamental problems that arise when reasoning about knowledge expressed in proposition... (more)
Belief Propagation and Approximate Inference: Compensating for Relaxations
     Public Defense
speaker:Arthur Choi
[ defense-arthur.pptx ]
Satisfiability, Knowledge Compilation and the Journey Towards Universal Reasoning Engines
     invited (KR/CP 2008)
speaker:Adnan Darwiche
[ cp-kr-talk-08-post.ppsx ]
abstract:The development of universal reasoning engines has been a main objective of AI since its very early days. The vision here is to ... (more)
Beyond Treewidth in Probabilistic Inference
     Public Defense
speaker:Mark Chavira
[ ]
abstract:A typical application of probabilistic inference involves constructing a probabilistic model, such as a Bayesian network, and th... (more)
Compiling Bayesian Networks Using Variable Elimination
     a conference paper
speaker:Mark Chavira
[ conference-2007-ijcai-talk.ppt ]
abstract:Compiling Bayesian networks has proven an effective approach for inference that can utilize both global and local network struc... (more)
Knowledge Compilation: Theory and Applications
     a four hour tutorial
speaker:Adnan Darwiche
[ ] :zipped power point show
abstract:We discuss in this tutorial the subject of knowledge compilation from theoretical and practical viewpoints. On the theoretical s... (more)
Searching while Keeping a Trace: The evoluation from satisfiability to knowledge compilation
     invited (IJAR 2006)
speaker:Adnan Darwiche
[ darwiche-ijcar-talk-06.pps ]
abstract:I discuss in this talk two influential areas of automated reasoning, satisfiability and knowledge compilation. Historically, the... (more)
Encoding CNFs to Enhance Component Analysis
     a conference paper
speaker:Mark Chavira
[ conference-2006-sat-talk.ppt ]
abstract:Recent algorithms for model counting and compilation work by decomposing a CNF into syntactically independent components through... (more)
Solving MAP by Searching on Compiled Arithmetic Circuits
     a conference paper
speaker:Mark Chavira
[ conference-2006-aaai-talk.ppt ]
abstract:The MAP (maximum a posteriori hypothesis) problem in Bayesian networks is to find the most likely states of a set of variables g... (more)